Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Nathan finished?

This is still up on the easel, I could work on it more but I think it might be better to not ruin a good thing. What do you think? Amber, this is yours if you want it, otherwise mom can have it. I am thinking about entering this with a few other paintings into an art gallery/contest. This was the perfect photo to paint from.


Shelly and Scott said...

I love it Sandi, the lighting is so good on it. It is one of my favorites. I think it is almost tied with the one of you that you did in Idaho. I think it is beautiful. Great job....great talent!! Love, MOM

Amber said...

I'm impressed with how quickly you can paint these pictures. I love it! I knew Nathan had a big head but it just seems that much bigger on the canvas:) What size is it? It would be cute in his room.