Tuesday, January 29, 2008

still working...

I wanted to wait untill I finished to post this. I am still working on it. It just doesn't feel finished yet, but it will be soon! thanks again Rachie for modeling for me!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Here are the rest of the still life paintings that I did. I previewed one of them earlier in the blog. Once again, there were five paintings, five different color pallets. I really learned a lot from the exercise


These are from my head drawing class with Brother Leon Parsen At BYU-I. It was one of my favorite classes. Brother Parsen referred to it lovingly as the garden of eden, and it was. The head in the middle is of chase, he had this awesome underbite. The skull is one of the few assignments I got an A on.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

up on the easel

Yesterday I had so much fun painting rebecca! Once again the color looks a bit washed out in the photo, so if you like it here, it looks better in real, I think. It was an interesting change to paint on wood vrs canvas. The surface is so smooth and obsorbant. It was fun,..I think I like it. I was going for a modern 20's art deco feel in this one-what do you think?, I always love a critique. Thanks again becca, this painting is yours unless I can sell it. @(18x25")-oil

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Photo Shoot

Thank you to Rachel and Becca who helped me this saterday. They were both such great models. I am excited to start painting. Here are just a few of my favorites.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

My latest inspiration is to do some time era paintings, inspired by 20's-40's fashion. I need some good models...any volunteers?
This is the same size canvas. I want to do a series of the entire family. Somehow the colors look less vibrant than they actually are here, darn it.

This is for you kelly. You were the cutest kid(and still are:) I did a few sketches beforehand but oddly enough, the bottom sketch ended up looking like Rachel. weird. I love the size of the canvas 6x6", a perfect square.

I loved painting this. Its a large scale of a face, never really done that before. I think its 18x 24" I was able to paint it in just a couple hours. This is only because I have attempted painting from this photo many times already for my BFA project
This is the complete painting. I can't help but be critical, it looks a bit washed out.
This is for you amber, my ode to Nathan. He was so much fun to paint. He looks a lot younger here. You are in this painting too, but I think nathan turned out a bit better

Friday, January 4, 2008

John Singer Sargent is classic. He is in my top 10 best painters of all time. Time to stop wishing and get to work!

Jeffrey T. Larson is yet another artist I hope to emulate. I get motivated and inspired looking on his website

Did I fake anyone out? I wish I could paint like this. This is Odd Nerdrum. He is a living master, but some of his stuff can get a little on the dark side.
This painting was done from life at the palos verdes art center. It is one of my more recent paintings. She was one of my favorite models
This is an oldie but goodie done back in 2005 right before graduation from byu-idaho
This is another try at pixel art. I usually stick to people, but thought I would try something different. I was inspired by the artist chuck close

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Another charcol drawing done from a cast

This is still life that I painted 5 times? We had to use different colors each time we painted it. this one was using warm colors, or all colors but blue
This was done in highschool but I think it deserves a few min's of fame

This is part of a bigger charcol drawing. It was fun to draw someone with such interesting features

This is classic grandpa right here. I had a lot of fun painting him. 16x20 in oil


Take a sneek-peek at some of my latest paintings. Its going to take me a while to download it all so be patient with me.